
Buku Matematika dan Buku Umum Dari Berbagai Sumber

Buku-buku Matematika dan Buku-buku Umum ini diperoleh dari berbagai sumber. Buku-buku ini bisa dijadikan referensi para guru matematika, calon guru matematika atau mahasiswa yang dapat mata kuliah matematika dasar.

Koleksi buku matematika ini dalam bentuk ebook, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan SANGAT DIANJURKAN UNTUK MEMBELI BUKUNYA SECARA LANGSUNG.

Mungkin beberapa file e-book dibawah ini adalah kepunyaan Anda dan keberatan untuk penayangan ini. Admin sangat berharap dikonfirmasi, agar admin blog (*Mat, *Ema *Tika) segera menanggapinya dengan senang hati.

  1. 100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics 😊 Heinrich Dorrie
  2. 104 Number Theory Problems 😊 Titu Andreescu, Dorin Andrica and Zuming Feng
  3. A First Course in Abstract Algebra a 😊 Fraleigh J.B.
  4. A First Course in Noncommutative Rings 😊 Tsie Yuen Lam
  5. Algebra 3rd Ed. 😊 Serge Lang
  6. A History of Abstract Algebra 😊 Israel Kleiner
  7. A Primer for Math Competition 😊 Alexander Zawaira and Gavin Hitchcock
  8. Abstract Algebra 3rd Edition 😊 Herstein I.N
  9. Advanced Calculus with Applications in Statistics 😊 Andre I. Khuri
  10. Advanced Calculus 😊 Taylor
  11. Advanced Linear Algebra 3rd Edition 😊 Steven Roman
  12. American Mathematics Competition 1995-2000 Contest 😊 Harold B. Reiter
  13. Analytic Geometry with Calculus 😊 Robert C. Yates
  14. Analytical Geometry for Beginners 😊 Baker
  15. Basic Abstract Algebra [2nd Edition] 😊 P.B.Bhttacharya
  16. Berkeley Problems in Mathematics 3ed 😊 Paulo Ney de Souza and Jorge Nuno Silva
  17. Bridge To Abstract Mathematics 😊 Ronald P. Morash
  18. Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities 😊 Ian Stewart
  19. Calculus 5th edition 2009 [Schaum Editon] 😊 Frank Ayres and Elliot Mendelson
  20. Classical Finite Transformation Semigroups An Introduction 😊 Olexandr Ganyushkin and Volodymyr Mazorchuk
  21. Calculus 9th Edition by Varbeg, Purcell and Rigdon
  22. Complex Variables and Applications 8th Edition 😊 James Ward Brown and Ruel V. Churchill
  23. Differential Equations 3rd edition 😊 Shepley L. Ross
  24. Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems & An Introduction to Chaos 😊 Morris W. Hirsch
  25. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications 5th Ed 😊 Kenneth H. Rosen
  26. Discrete Mathematics with Proof 😊 Eric Gossett
  27. Elementary Number Theory 😊 Gareth A. Jones and J. Mary Jones
  28. Elementary Numerical Analysis 😊 Kendall Atkinson & Weimin Han
  29. Elementary Numerical Analysis-An Algorithmic Approach, 3rd Ed 😊 McGraw-Hill
  30. Encyclopedia Of Mathematics 😊 James Tanton Ph.D.
  31. Famous Problems of Geometry and How to Solve Them 😊 Benjamin Bold
  32. Fraction In Realistics Mathematics Education 😊 Leen Streetland
  33. Fractals Everywhere 😊 Michael F. Barnsley
  34. Fundamentals of Abstract Algebra 😊 Malik, Mordeson, and Sen
  35. Fundamentals of Semigroup Theory 1996 😊 John M. Howie
  36. Generalized Inverse – Theory and Applications 😊 Adi Ben-Israel
  37. Geometry Revisited 😊 H. S. M. Coxeter and S. L. Greitzer
  38. Handbook of Mathematics 5th Edition 😊 I.N. Bronshtein, dkk.
  39. Handbook of The History of Logic 😊 Dov M. Gabbay and John Woods
  40. Hoard of Mathematical Treasures 😊 Ian Stewart
  41. Introduction to Complex Analysis 😊 Rolf Nevanlinna and V. Paatero
  42. Introduction to Geometry 2nd Ed 😊 Coxeter H.S.M.
  43. Introduction to Probability and Math 😊 Lee J. Bain
  44. Introduction to Real Analysis 😊 Robert G. Bartle dan Donald R. Sherbert
  45. Junior Problem Seminar 😊 David A. Santos
  46. Lecture Notes in Descrete Mathematics 😊 Marcel B. Finan
  47. Linear Algebra with Applications [1994] 😊 W. Keith Nicholson
  48. Mathematical Olympiad Challenges 2nd Edition 😊 Titu Andreescu and Razvan Gelca
  49. Mathematical Olympiad in China Problems and Solutions 😊 Xiong Bin and Lee Peng Yee
  50. Mathematical Olympiad Treasures 😊 Titu Andreescu and Bodgan Enescu
  51. Matrices Over Commutative Rings 😊 William Brown
  52. Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra 😊 Carl D. Meyer
  53. Metric Space 😊 Satish Shirali, and Harkrishan L. Vasudeva.pdf
  54. Number Play 😊 Gyles Brandreth
  55. Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations 😊 Ravi P. Agarwal dan Donal O’Regan
  56. Problem Solving Strategies 😊 Arthur Engel
  57. Putnam and Beyond 😊 Razvan Gelca and Titu Andreescu
  58. Real Analysis 4th Edition 😊 Halsey Royden and Patrick Fitzpatrick
  59. Super Fractals 😊 Michael F. Barnsley
  60. Theory and Problems of Matrices 😊 Ayres
  61. The Algebraic Theory of Semigroups 😊 A. H. Clifford
  62. The Pythagorean Proposition 😊 Elisha S. Loomis

NOTE: Jika ebook memiliki format .djvu dan tidak bisa dibuka, silahkan download aplikasinya DISINI dan kemudian install di PC Anda.

Video pilihan khusus untuk Anda 😊 Mengenal salah satu matematikawan Indonesia;